Unstoppable Teams Part 2

Last week we discussed the first two pieces to the C.A.R.E Loop. Connect and Achieve. If you recall connecting is about connecting on a personal level with your employees. Achieve is to have attainable goals that force you to stretch yourself. Achieve is to also assure (encourage) your team members and appreciate their efforts both individually and as a team. …

Unstoppable Teams Part 1

In the last post, it was discussed how the first team we need to build is ourselves.  Each person individually is a remarkable person; each of you has superpowers, skills that you do better than someone else. Building teams with people who have skills that complement each other and are unified in the mission is what creates an unstoppable team. …

Overcoming Self-Doubt

  I have been reading a good book called “Unstoppable Teams” by Alden Mills. Mills is an ex-Navy Seal and an entrepreneur. Mills describes “Unstoppable teams as a tightly knit group of ordinary people doing extraordinary things”. This can apply to any industry. We have spent quite a bit of time discussing relationship building, and I cannot stress enough how …


  The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that the essence of life is “to serve others and do good”. Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your career and even feel happier and healthier. It can also reduce stress, …


  What is upskilling vs training? Training, is teaching employees how to perform a task or job. Proving the tools for them to be successful. Upskilling is teaching your employees new skills, skills required for the future. Due to constant technological advancements, current jobs are morphing into something different or disappearing altogether. Forbes.com said, “Upskilling entails learning new skills but …

Value of Providing Good Employee Training

  I love talking to our Chamber members. It is fascinating to hear from businesses first-hand the challenges they face. Last week we discussed the importance of mentors and how we need mentors to impart their industry and job knowledge to the younger generations. Along with being a mentor is also providing good training and orientation to your employees. I …

Mentoring Tomorrows Leaders

  We work in a multi-generational workplace, the baby boomers and traditionalists are aging out of their roles and creating a void where knowledge is not being shared with the upcoming generation. The term mentor dates back to Greek Mythology and describes the relationship between a younger adult with an older more experienced adult who helps the younger adult navigate …

Dealing with Irresponsible People

In the workplace, we get to work with a variety of people. We all have different traits and personalities. We have all been there where we have had to work with someone who’s lack of planning and irresponsibility causes frustration, chaos, and extra work for us. These are the people who don’t pull their weight in team projects, are consistently …

Loyalty in the Workplace

  Loyalty in the workplace is creating and maintaining a strong culture. Last year while mentoring 7th Grade Students at the Jerome Middles School I had a discussion with the class about the importance of Integrity in the workplace. I likened integrity to Aesop’s Fable, The Tortoise and the Hare. Integrity and loyalty go hand in hand.  Just like in …

National Support Your Local Chamber Day

  October 16, is national Support your Local Chamber Day. If you do not know what a chamber of commerce is or what it does you are not alone. The first Chamber of Commerce was founded in France in 1599 with the purpose to form a business network and to advocate on behalf of the business community. Joining the local …